Monday, October 1, 2012

Catching Up

Time has been flying by for us! Shortly after Kevin and I's one year anniversary we were sealed in the Washington D.C. Temple. It took place on April 14th, 2012. Lucky for me there is a solid two and a half weeks in between the day we got married and the day we were sealed, so that means two anniversary celebrations in the years to come! I don't think Kevin shares in my excitement of this though :) We had a super long day so we didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked, but here's what we have.
Kevin and I right outside of the East Doors.

The family

Not long after we were sealed, I started to travel back and forth with my dad to Florida every week for work.

When I'm home in NC, I'm normally trying to juggle my time between being a Scentsy Consultant, helping Amanda with her photography business, helping my parents with the business in NC, trying to spend time with my husband, trying to spend time with my family....Olivia ;), trying to fulfill my church calling in Primary, and making an attempt at keeping my social life going. Something had to give and sadly my "words with friends" and "draw something" challengers have probably seen and felt the effects of my new schedule the worst, haha.

Kevin is also staying busy as well, he's working a full time job (12 hour shifts), taking five classes, he works with the young men in church, he's constantly picking up side jobs, he's trying to do all the things around the house that I normally do, and when I'm home he's trying to spend time with me. We try to get a date in, but it's proving difficult. 

Traveling is tough, but it has it's perks, its nice to get out of our small town for a little bit. And Florida is beautiful. I do work all across the state, from West Palm Beach (gorgeous) to Fort Myers, and everywhere in between.

The next few months have some exciting things in store for us, hopefully I can post a bit more!

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